ADHD, or attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, can occur in adults and children. It’s a chronic condition that makes paying attention, focusing, and thriving in everyday situations difficult.
ADHD is also associated with impulsive behavior and problems with social relationships. Treatment can restore you or your child’s quality of life.
ADHD symptoms are often apparent before age 12. They might be mild, moderate, or severe. The following signs and symptoms are associated with ADHD:
Symptoms of ADHD include problems with focus and hyperactivity. Attention deficit disorder (ADD) is ADHD without hyperactivity.
The cause of ADHD is unknown but may be associated with genetics, central nervous system problems, or environmental factors. Risk factors for developing ADHD include:
Complications associated with ADHD can include problems in the classroom, poor grades, injuries, accidents, low self-esteem, difficulty interacting with other people, and a higher risk of drug or alcohol abuse.
To diagnose ADHD, Dr. Lopez and her team review your child’s medical history and ask questions about their symptoms. The team completes a physical exam and gathers information about social and behavioral tendencies.
If ADHD symptoms negatively affect work, school, or social relationships, treatment can improve you or your child’s quality of life.
Dr. Lopez and her team personalize each ADHD treatment to match you or your child’s needs, preferences, and lifestyle. They might recommend:
Making your child’s life structured with set routines can help them thrive. Encourage them to get plenty of sleep and physical activity, eat a healthy diet, and take vitamin supplements if Dr. Lopez recommends it. She can work closely with you and your child’s teachers to optimize their outcomes.
ADHD therapy may include behavioral therapy, social skills training, psychotherapy, family therapy, or parenting skills training. Dr. Lopez and her team let you which therapy, or combination of treatments, best matches you or your child’s needs.
Some medications help your child focus better at work or school. Dr. Lopez lets you know which medicine might be a fit and reviews the pros and cons of each ADHD treatment with you.
Don’t live with ADHD symptoms when simple treatments can restore you or your child’s quality of life. Schedule an appointment over the phone or online with Dr. Lopez and her team today.
May 5, 2023
January 19, 2021
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